Eurotrip 3, 2015 – Day 30, Estepona…


Today we visited Estepona. As is becoming traditional, Mo had pre-planned an itinerary and tour of the town.

Orchid Museum

Orchid Museum

The first surprise of the day was the Orchid Museum. In fact we almost abandoned the stop here because we couldn’t find it and at one point we’d been a mere 10m away from the square.

Inside the Orchid Museum

Inside the Orchid Museum

Entry was free and a vast array of orchids on view in  a new building with a giant glass domed roof.

The biggest surprise of the day was bumping into some folks we had met a year ago at a friends wedding anniversary. What a coincidence.

Estepona street

Estepona street


The streets around the old town are a picture of flowers. Hanging baskets and pots adorn the walls of the buildings every couple of metres. We had a nice long lunch in the Plaza de Flores.




Mo mis-behaving

Mo mis-behaving

Finally we walked along the Promenade where Mo couldn’t resist climbing on the kiddies climbing frame.







Estepona Lighthouse

Estepona Lighthouse


Then on to the lighthouse and the marina.







Dinner was a BBQ so the elusive chicken tea continues. Tomorrow is the night.