Eurotrip 3, 2015 – Day 10, All eyes on Mo…


Ah, so the 10th day has arrived.

Whilst I appreciated the rapid attention at A&E, I’m not entirely sure the consultant truly spends a lot of his time stitching wounds.

The stitching was first rate but the decision to then plaster the area with surgical glue would appear to have been overkill (as well as probably not recommended) and this has now created a nightmare for Mo to remove the stiches. All the knots just clogged in superglue…

NHS Prescription

NHS Prescription

This is the prescription from the North Hampshire hospital (excluding the glasses). Not what one might expect but ingenious nevertheless.


Sutures removed

Sutures removed

And after 90 (yes the zero is not a typo) minutes of picking glue, cutting and prodding, the sutures were fully removed. All 6 of them.



It’s now over 30 degrees in the shade – time for some sunbathing – signing off for today now…