Eurotrip 10, 2023 – Day 22, Conil de la Frontera


The weather stayed fine and sunny from Tuesday (3rd Jan 2023) until and including Saturday. Yesterday it rained all day and we took the opportunity to stock up on supplies at the Carrefour in San Fernando and then we headed off to Decathlon at Peurto Santa Maria. At Decathlon we managed to find all the things we needed on our shopping list.

Then we managed to buy loads of stuff which we definitely didn’t need!

Today the weather forecast was for more rain but so far it has remained dry and fairly sunny. It’s around noon presently and the outside temperature is 19C.

The Three Kings celebration has historically been the Christmastime festival in Spain. As far as we can tell, most of the celebrations seem to take place on the eve of Epithany (Epithany is also known as Three Kings day and is the 6th January) but as it’s Spain, parties and celebrations seemed to take place across both days.

At lunchtime on the Three Kings eve, a parade started on the beach with three kings depicted on horseback. These meandered through the streets of Conil before a larger carnival took place in the evening.

I wasn’t really sure why this modest parade needed two brand-new quadbikes, mounted by fully armed Gardia leading at least two more security vehicles. The Spanish Gardia don’t appear to be starved of funding – the local patrol cars are brand new BMW EVs.

Police outriders, Three Kings, Conil
Three Kings festival, Conil, 2023

Saturday we enjoyed a walk around Conil.

Conil de la Frontera, 2023
Conil de la Frontera, 2023
Conil de la Frontera, 2023
Conil de la Frontera, 2023

Later we enjoyed a beer or two at “The Shack” on Conil beach.

“The Shack”, Conil beach
Fisherman on Conil beach, 2023
A good day for para-gliders

Sunday evening we headed to the restaurant and were persuaded to try the fish special. After much discussion we finally realised that the local speciality fish in Conil is Bocinegro – which translates to Sea Bream.

It was delicious.

Bocinegro at La Rosaleda restaurant
Bocinegro at La Rosaleda restaurant