Ilsington Circular walk


The Ilsington circular walk starts and ends at the Carpenters Arms in Ilsington. It is described as an “easy” walk. If you truly want a easy circular walk there’s one around the village which should take just five or ten minutes and you can start and finish with a few pints.

If you want 4.5 miles of gruelling track with steep ascents and descents then skip the beer before and set off on this walk. How on earth it can be described as easy is beyond me. Yes, it’s a short walk of just 4.5 miles and perfectly suitable for mountain goats.

A pint afterwards in the Carpenters Arms was most pleasant but alas, the good lady chose not to drive the narrow lanes of Dartmoor. So just the one.

A few pictures below from the walk.

Ilsington Circular walk
St Michael’s Church Ilsington
Views from the Ilsington walk
Views from the Ilsington walk
Views from the Ilsington walk
One of many very steep slippery climbs