Eurotrip 5, 2016 – Day 29, Cycle ride San Miguel de Cabo de Gato…


We are moving on from Los Escullos tomorrow after a lovely stay for the past couple of weeks. The place has grown on us significantly over the two weeks and it will definitely be on our list to return again.

It is a very peaceful part of the world. Well, maybe not so peaceful over this bank holiday weekend as the Spanish descended in large numbers and the site was practically full for the Saturday and Sunday evenings.

It took much of the morning to dismantle the awning and another hour to take a shower.

Cycle ride 5...

Cycle ride 5…

Then it was time for our final cycle ride here in the natural park. This time we took the bikes to San Miguel de Cabo de Gata and cycled around a circular route (number 5 in the guide book) and past a series of salt marshes and lakes.

Proper sized Brandy...

Proper sized Brandy…



Evening was dinner at the site restaurant and how about this for a decent sized brandy to end the evening…